Rahab. We all know her as the harlot, but she should be known for her monumental decision to follow after God. After all, she, and her family are the lone survivors of the first wave of God's dominating power that hit Canaan. She survived because of one thin thread, that we know represented Jesus. She was wise in her decision therefore she was protected and cared for. These are some of the things that we shared with the kids today. It is a very clear story of how God takes care of His own through Jesus. It was easy to see the kids receiving light while we preached. I reused the red string (scarlet thread) from the story and it really helped the kids see what a difference Jesus makes. Ahhh, the joy of all this. Well, earlier we were almost through with our Praise and

Worship part, but I asked Verna to sing another song. She sang 'You are Lord' in Tagalog. There was a girl obviously troubled, so as they sang I just went and prayed for her, she was touched. God really loves these kids. Verna then called anyone with 'troubles' and many came, we prayed for them whether they needed it or not. Some of them really connected with Heaven. In the A-kids we picked that same theme up, we ministered to the Lord for a few minutes, then we ministered to the A-kids. Then we prayed for 2 to be filled with the Spirit, the we prayed for the helpers. Praise God for Impartations! With Love, Mark and Verna! More pics
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