Although we have done this story before, it was still fresh and new today. Love never grows old and that's what we focused on. The Lord is always faithful to give us utterance. We endeavor not just to teach information, but to impart revelation. Well today, I got to dust off my 'acting clothes' I mean I got to graphically portray some of the prodigals more forgettable moments. Like when he ate pig slop. It was loud and messy as I pretended to eat pigs food. Ahhh, the joy of obeying God. After preaching on the son part we shifted and concentrated on the Love of God. What can separate us from his love we asked? a Lie, a theft, not coming to church? We had some art drawn to demonstrate the God doesn't just have love but that

God is Love. One pictured a King with a heart in his hand and the other pictured a heart, robed with a crown to show that God is Love. In the end we ended up ministering the Love of God to a group of girls as we gave an alter call for those who don't feel loved. All as I can say is that He

does love them and some of the girls received well as we laid hands on them and prayed over them. Praise God for another good day. In the A-kids we ministered on Worship and Thanksgiving. God is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and truth. Then we said that words are involved to communicate what is in our heart to God. Inside to the outside. God is doing good things here! Thanks to all our partners who make this ministry so much easier! Love, Mark and Verna. More pics go
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