Today's story was about the Madman of Gadera. It is always fun to watch the stories being told. Today was no exception as there was a crowd of kids that stood on their feet to watch the story. Abraham Trocio, (Verna's Brother) played the Madman and really brought the madman to life! We went at the story from this angle, that is, the madman didn't get possessed by shopping or fishing or that he just just woke up and suddenly had a demon. No, he made some bad decisions along the way. We had 2 guys assist me to demonstrate our point. One wore black, the other white, representing good and evil or bad. Well the bad guy began to speak to me and, I liked it, and began to choose bad over good, and didn't want to follow good. After a while, I was a long way from the good guy and couldn't get loosed from the bad guy. Only Jesus could free me. I told them a personal story about one as a teenager the only way I though I could have nice things was to steal them. I think we identified with the kids today. We told them that stealing even for a good purpose, like school tuition is not good. God wants to bless these kids and keep them from the pains of sin. Thanks for helping us! More pics
here! With Love, Mark and Verna
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