The W
inner of our inviting contest is Ken Vincent. Ken (with the bike) brought 39+ kids to childrens church during our campaign. We had a total of over 136 visitors. Our highest attendance during this time was about 140 kids. Oliver was the runner up with 35 kids. It was a great thing we had 75+ kids saved during this time.
Our teaching this week was on the four kinds of soil found in Mark 4. Angelique, Verna's sister (blue t-shirt) did the first teaching. It's our desire to train others, so this is a good place to develop preachers. She did a great job. Verna and I followed up. I used a glass of clean water to demons
trate how God wants our hearts pure. We then poured in some dirt, it then dirtied the water in a convincing way. We asked them "Would you like a drink?" We went on to describe things that 'dirty' our hearts. We had 2 mothers there who came and prayed to receive Jesus. One left weeping as Jesus came into her heart!!
In our A-Kids we taught about giving. How it's apart of the Kingdom, we used Luke 6:38 as our main text. It was reward day so all the regula
rs received what they requested, notebooks for school, backpacks, t-shirts, etc. We want to love in deed and truth and demonstrate that God will supply their needs. -Mark
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