This week we taught on the parable of the wise and foolish man. We had some good props, which really help the kids to see what we are teaching. To the left, is Abraham, the 'sand man'. He built his house very quickly and proceeded to give the 'rock man' (right) a hard time for taking time and doing things the right way and building on the Rock. Alexis, Verna's brother narrated the first part of the story. This is a very good story to tell children. We picked one point from the story
and then began to teach to the children. We used a big set of ears, and talked about the man with the rock house and how he simply listened to people who knew how to build houses, and then of course, the sand man, he didn't listen. We went on to explain that we have to listen to our parents and obviously Father God. It was fun wearing the big ears, at one point in the story I moved the ears to my stomach, to demonstrate that's where we hear, and then put the ears on the rock house, to further illustrate that he listened, and his house didn't fall down. We had 5 kids pray to receive Jesus which is always a highlight of all we do. Two of the boys we very excited as we told the
m a salvation story. The interjections they gave were right. One boy said Jesus came to take away our sins. Tama! or correct in Tagalog. It was fun as Verna led them in the sinners prayer. In the A-kids, we let Angelique minister for a few minutes. Her subject was on following the plan of God for your life. We followed up with some of our own stories and encouraged the kids along those lines. For more pics go to http://cwol.jalbum.net/ Love, -Mark

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