Today 5/31/08 we taught on the Good Samaritan. We started with an object lesson, and then a reenactment of the story. It always exciting to see the children watching so closely. We,

had a
Pari (priest) a religious person (The
Levite) and then the Samaritan. It was lots of fun. Verna finished with a skit. It was about how the two dirty girls where whisk away by a rich person, then two older girls came and cleaned them up, and gave them something to eat. Then to tie it all together, Verna and I (Mark)
preached out the meaning. I thought I would minister more along the lines of the parable, but it seemed right to talk about giving. So we ministered along those lines, how that we are in a Kingdom and one of the principles is to give. We used scriptures familiar such as John 3:16 and Luke 6:38

. It can be a real act of faith to minister to many kids at different age groups, but we believe God!!! That's what makes each Saturday so different and rewarding. We have one more week left in our inviting contest, so we will show the winners with their prizes next time. We had 12 pray to
receive Jesus today!!! That is the best part of it all. Love to all!! - Mark & Verna

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