Today was most interesting. It all started when we walked into our church of awaiting children. It wasn't an air of excitement, but rather of tenseness. Hmmm, am I in the right room? It's normally all excitement as the kids are ready to go! So, Verna led the worship and normally it's real high, but it was different today. I almost went and encouraged the kids to worship and that would have been alright. Somehow I just didn't want to pursue that vein. During worship, someone told me that some of the new attenders were from a religion that really denies Jesus, and there was a number of them. Well, I thought that was probably the reason that the worship service had some difficulties. So I stood there after Verna finished, and what to say, it felt "D-R-Y!". After a minute, it occurred to me, pray! So we prayed, and thanked the Father for Jesus, and His love and all He gave, along those lines. We finished praying and we just followed the Spirit and shared about Jesus. It seemed to grip some of the 'bad boys'. We went that way for several minutes and then went right into our skit about Shammah from the old testament. (Pictured is Edward as Shammah.) He had a patch of peas and didn't allow the Philistines to capture his blessing. We preached a couple of angles from this. It was so fun. The first angle was that God is with us. The Philistines overlooked that fact, and were defeated by one man who God stood with. Then we preached from this angle; that as Christians we have to stand against our enemies if we are going to keep our blessing. Some of the enemies are cheating, stealing, drugs, etc. I played the part of satan and a kept motioning to the kids "follow me", "follow me". I put on a very devious look, "follow me". It was really the mercy of God that this group of 'bad boys' were even at church. The Spirit in me kept working that flow, "follow me." They picked up on it, it really fit them well. Then in the end with some persuasion, all came forward and we led them in the sinners prayer. Wow! It was a real miracle today as the kids from that false religion are really taught to hate Jesus, they give Him no honor. They think they can go directly to the Father. That is strange for a catholic nation, but there are some here that treat Jesus that way. But today, they came face to face with the Risen Savior. Only Jesus can give Eternal Life!!!!
It's hard to tell all that happened today, I hope you can catch the spirit of it. God loves sinners, we were his hands today. It was awesome! For some more pics go here!
Thanks to all our partners and friends!!!!! Love, Love, Love, Mark and Verna
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