Lazarus and the rich man from Luke 16 was our story today. And what a good time we had with it! We had a real angel, well almost, anyway sometimes Verna can act like an angel and today she was. Verna and Alexis worked hard on those wings, too bad they are for looks only. Angelique did a great job today as she narrated the story. Like I said it's almost as fun to watch the kids watch the story. They seems to form a wall for the 'players' as the story unfolded. It was really cool. The rich guy, played by King Abraham had a party which got interrupted by the beggar. Well, both died and then enter 'Angel' Verna to carry the beggar to heaven, however satan showed up to escort the rich guy into hell. We even had some dramatic lighting portraying hell. Well, what else to preach but a real heaven and a real hell, but we also emphasized how they both

arrived at their eternal destinies. It was so fun to preach, you could see how the story gripped certain ones as the preaching progressed. The power is in the gospel according to Romans 1 so we preached the Word in such satisfying way today. We then lead a mass prayer to receive Jesus. If you would have been present you would have sensed the saving Presence of the Holy Spirit as He recreated the hearts of many children

and even parents today! What a job! Thank you again partners for all your support! This is fruit that will abound to your eternal account. For many more pics go
here. Love, Verna and Mark