Prodigal means wasteful, I never knew the real meaning of that word. We had a great time today. As the story was being enacted, I looked and the

re was not a kid sitting. They were watching so intently. It's lots of fun making these stories come to life, especially when they are fun and today was no exception. We had real pigs, almost... Of course the prodigal son and his mean older brother, and e
ven a party time with the prodigal and his
BH. That's before hunger. Well he ran out of cash, no one would give him anything over in
partyland, and then he tried to be a servant for what was already his. His Father said no, you can't serve for what is already yours. That is good news. After the story we split the kids at 6 years and had two groups. The bigger kids we preached the story in a little more detail downstairs and the little ones went upstairs with Noel, one of our trusted helpers. It helps to split the kids. Also after the Praise and Worship, there was a tangible presence of the Lord before we started teaching. It's great to be apart of a ministry that is so
enjoyable. I will sometimes walk around and make eye contact with the children, no language is needed as they will always smile at me after I look at them for a

few seconds. Praise God for the Harvest of Children. You can see more pictures
here. We had 10 pray to receive Jesus and over 120 in attendance. Praise Him!!! Love, Mark and Verna